I want to thank you for such an awesome tool. We got this well over a year ago and used it on a project here at our house. Last year my wife was diagnosed with cancer. She had surgery and is better now but one of the things that bothered her during her recovery, which is still ongoing, was a neglected room in our house. She loves the idea of reclaimed wood but with medical bills still coming in the cost of buying them at a store was not possible, not to mention I have an issue paying what the stores want for them. So a friend of ours got wind of the situation and let our oldest son know he could have all the old barn wood he wanted if would just get it. My son told me he had a load but that since it was over 100 years old the red had faded into more of a pink. The other day we got the boards out, salvaged what we could and I got out the Restorer to see what it could do. They went from faded dirty pink to wow! I may have to buy another soft nylon brush now because I have about worn out the one that came with it and I am only half done but you can see what a difference it has made. We will put these on one of the walls in the room we are remodeling. We will then take old fence panels we salvaged and do the same thing to them for use in other parts of the room. What a difference the Restorer tool has made. Better yet, it has made my wife very happy during a time when she really needed it.
The story of the barn is interesting. Over a century old, it was filled with weathered boards that had endured sun, rain, and layers of dust throughout the years. It belonged to a friend of ours who had used parts of it to build his new house and was then told by his insurance company to tear it down for reasons of safety. He contacted us through my son and said come get what we wanted before it was gone. He later tore it down and burned it. The Restorer tool proved perfect for the task at hand, carefully removing years of wear and tear from the boards without stripping away their character and integrity. In fact, beneath the layers of dirt and grime, we uncovered a child’s drawing of a cowboy on horseback, likely etched into the wood over 60 years ago by one of the original owners’ children or grandchildren.
Thanks to the Restorer this priceless discovery inspired us to create a special gift for our friend and owner of the barn, who comes from a lineage of generations that have owned the property. We decided to cut out the section of the board with the drawing, frame it alongside a photograph of the barn before its dismantling, and present it as a heartfelt memento of the barn’s storied past.
Other boards that are not old and have no character we just run through a planer. However many, like these from the barn, have a story to tell and deserve to be treated as such. These will become an accent wall in a room we are remodeling. Without the Restorer we never would have even attempted such a project. We couldn’t be more grateful for such a remarkable tool and the exceptional people behind it. Thank you for creating a product that truly makes a difference in our work and the lives of those we touch.
Bret and Kim Taylor
Duncan, OK