
‘A gift of this type is priceless’

Dec 15, 2019

Wooden Flags | Waxahachie HS students who made Blue Line wooden flags for cops receive special equipment

Patrick Clarke

Wooden Flags | The architecture and construction department at Waxahachie High School received a gift of an innovative power tool from the inventor himself after a Daily Light story of a class project received thousands of hits on social media.

“I caught your article on the high school kids making reclaimed flags for local police officers,” said Robert Kundel Jr., CEO of the Ohio-based Wellington Corp tool invention company, in a Nov. 23 email. “It touched my heart. I would like to gift Curtis Green and his students with my Restorer power tool invention…”

The Nov. 21 article – “Waxahachie High students gift police department with 98 handmade Thin Blue Line flags” – quickly went viral. As of Dec. 11, the article has been viewed over 75,000 times on the Daily Light’s Facebook page and shared over 6,000 times.

Architecture and construction teacher Curtis Green and his students have received an outpouring of praise for the handmade flags presented to each officer at the Waxahachie Police Department.

“I have family and friends that are police and in the military,” Kundel Jr. explained. “They risk their lives daily for our freedoms that we often take for granted. It is encouraging to see Mr. Green teaching his students the value we should see, and respect, in those in their position. We don’t think about the ones that may not make it home at night, the ones that walk away from their family never to return all for our freedom and safety. I commend Mr. Green for this, and [the reporter] for bringing light to such a worthy cause.”

The patented power tool invented by Kundel Jr., which he named Restorer, is “designed to sand and strip paint from wood, brick and fiberglass, as well as polish and remove rust from metal,” according to a product description on the company’s website at The tool kit shipped to the school is valued at $200.

“A gift of this type is priceless,” Green articulated. “When the inventor of a tool seeks out a program such as ours to donate a tool that we would not otherwise be able to purchase, it is hard to put into words what it means to the students in the program. They will be able to use cutting-edge technology and also experience the feeling that something that they did for others creates goodwill towards them.”

“This tool will allow the students to clean up some wood that was previously unusable… By having this tool we are going to be more efficient in our work for future projects,” Green added.

To learn more about the Restorer, visit

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